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The rates of adoption and timelines of autonomous trucks mentioned within this project are taken literally from tech developers' own investor presentations. As a result, Stealing Fire is intentionally taking a pessimistic viewpoint. The goal here to help facilitate meaningful conversations on new tech developments in trucking that are relevant to drivers. There is no doubt that important aspects of this issue have been overlooked. This project makes no claim to be all encompassing and isn't currently able to represent all of the communities present within the trucking industry.

If you have recommendations, requests for media appearances, suggestions for additional coverage or corrections, I can be reached at:

Instagram: @yearjames

James Year is a documentary and editorial photographer who specializes in still photography, but is also proficient in audio, video, and post-production skill sets. He originates from a rural, blue collar background in NW Iowa, while also having six years of hauling international freight on C-130's during his enlistment in the United States Air Force. After his enlistment, he graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Sociology and is finishing a M.S. in Mulitmedia, Photography and Design at Syracuse University. He is focused on labor, technology, and environmental stories. 

©James Year All rights reserved. Images are not to be scraped or used without written permission.
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